- Historic JORC 2004 compliant resource of 24Mt @ 2.9g/t PGM and Gold for 1.14Moz Pd, 0.83Moz Pt, 152Koz Au and 76Koz Rh (Rhodium)
- First time in 30 years that Munni Munni and Elizabeth Hill projects have been consolidated into a single coherent tenement, under 100% ownership
- Potential for a much larger, high value, multi-commodity resource many of which appear on critical mineral lists
- One of the largest undeveloped primary PGM Resources in Australia.
Project History
The Munni Munni Project hosts significant PGE mineralization. It has a historic non JORC compliant resource of:
24Mt @ 2.9g/t Platinum Group Metals (PGM) and gold for 2.2Moz PGM
This includes 1.14Moz of palladium, 0.83Moz of platinum, 152koz gold and 76koz of rhodium. The Munni Munni Project is considered to be one of Australia’s largest PGM deposits with in excess of A$20m spent on various feasibility studies undertaken in the last 20+ years. Previous project joint venture partners include one of South Africa’s largest platinum and palladium producers, Lonmin.
The resource detailed above was issued JORC 2004, hence it is non-compliant to the current JORC 2012 standard. The Company’s intention are to update the resource models to JORC 2012 standard, in due course, which will allow full evaluation of this significant deposit.

Exploration Potential Munni Munni North
Alien acquired a substantial new exploration licence Munni Munni North EL 47/4422 that surrounds the Elizabeth Hill Silver project and lies above the Munni Munni Mining licences
Munni Munni North is a 117km2 tenement which wraps around the Elizabeth Hill mine including a large part of the Munni Munni intrusive complex to the south and southwest. The highly prospective Munni Munni fault strikes north south through the tenement and into the Elizabeth Hill mining licence in which the Elizabeth Hill deposit sits. This structure also appears to be associated with the Munni Munni East prospect and remains to be fully tested for further significant mineralisation which could offer considerable resource expansion.